Dates and Info!

Dates for your diary

Phasels Wood
The weekend of the 6th – 7th September, all of the IB students are invited to come to Phasels Wood. The aim is to get to know each other, gain some CAS experience and have some fun. On the Saturday, we will be involved in team building activities, CAS service activities, and on the Sunday, outdoor adventurous activity. Students should have already paid their £20.00 and returned their parental consent form.

IB / CAS evening

On October 2nd, there is a student / parent IB evening which will be held at Verulam School. We have also combined it with a CAS evening where we will have there will be 20 plus voluntary organisations represented so you can get information about them & potentially sign up to help for your CAS. This will be followed by a BBQ. Parents will then join the students in the hall where some more general but important information will be given about the IB. All of the BeauSandVer IB students from year 12 & 13 are invited. They should be at Verulam from 5.30. Parents will join us from 7.15 onwards – a letter will go out in September about the evening for them.

In order to book the relevant voluntary organisations, we need to know which ones you are more likely to want to get involved with or which area you are likely to be interested in. Please can you look at the choices found in the 'CAS documents' link on the right hand side & let your CAS coordinator know. We will then forward these to St Albans Volunteer Centre.

Barcelona - Spain
There is an opportunity for students to come to Spain for 1 week and spend a day volunteering in a local Spanish Festival, a day helping in a local school and a day exploring the sights and culture of Barcelona. This is open to all IB students – not just those studying Spanish. A letter will be sent re the balance to be paid the first week back in September.

Have a terrific summer break & see you all in September,

V. Borman